I don't need time. What I need is a deadline. – Duke Ellington



Murray street Production & Marketing
A Fred Friendly Seminar:
Minds on the Edge - Facing Mental illness


Fred Friendly Seminar: Minds on the Edge

 - Parts 1 and 2

 - Part 3

 - Parts 4 and 5

Minds on the Edge-Modules - four modules for download to use in news and talk programing.

  - Minds on the Edge - Module PART 1

  - Minds on the Edge - Module PART 2

  - Minds on the Edge - Module PART 3

  - Minds on the Edge - Module PART 4

  - Minds on the Edge - Module Script (for host tracking and other info) 


Olivia, a bright promising college student, suddenly begins acting irrationally.
James, wandering the streets, hears voices. He's desperately searching for help

When should an individual lose their right to self-determination?
Should we impose treatment on those who refuse it?
How can we support the recovery of people with mental illness?

The answer to these questions come loaded with real consequences and strong conflicts in a free society.  Join host Cokie Roberts as our panelists work through the hypothetical stories of Olivia and James and grapple with the conflicts, costs, and consequences of MINDS ON THE EDGE.

Frank Sesno moderates an engaging conversation sparked by a diverse panel including: Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer, Nobel Laureate Dr. Eric Kandel and other physicians, policy makers and mental health professionals, some of whom themselves struggle with mental illness.  Minds on the Edge delivers a conversation rife with emotion, unique perspectives and challenging ideas.

Fred Friendly Seminars: Minds on the Edge
is a FREE one hour special.
Timely for broadcast during
Mental Illness Awareness Week October 5-9.

Available on PRX and Content Depot

This radio special airs in conjunction with
Minds on the Edge: Facing Mental Illness,
a PBS television special.

Look for our emails with opportunities
for your station to lead local discussions on mental illness.

For more information, contact Matthew Long-Middleton at Murray Street


Listener Inquiries/Comments:

  Fred Friendly: Propaganda,

  69 Murray Street, New York, NY 10007
Station Inquiries: call Matthew Long-Middleton, 1-888-675-2363
Programming Information: 212-619-1475
To Register: Call, or email

©2010 Murray Street Productions, all rights reserved